


Keeping Raccoons Away From Your Home
Most often, when we think of pests, we think of small animals and bugs that invade our homes and get into our cupboards. One much bigger creature that is considered a pest is the raccoon. Much like typical smaller pests, they invade wherever they can find food, water, or warmth. They live primarily in wooded areas and eat fruit, fish, nuts, and scavenge for meat and they aren't picky. They are opportunist eaters that are happy to take crops, chicken eggs, dog food, and even garbage off your hands. Quickly adapting to their surroundings, raccoons have learned to coexist with humans. It sounds sweet, but in reality, they are extremely intelligent, can destroy your property and even carry dangerous diseases that include rabies.  

Identifying Your Problem
Being nocturnal, it is unlikely that you'll catch one in the act. You can quickly identify it by its unique bandit mask markings around its eyes and black rings around its tail. They will weigh anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds and are around 2 to 3 feet long. If you notice many tiny holes in your yard, this could signify that a raccoon is digging up insects and worms to eat. You'll want to keep an eye on your bird feeders as well. While these seem like minor problems, there is an issue caused by them that can be much more costly. They are known to steal eggs and even kill chickens. Additionally, they can ruin crops, especially corn, leaving partially eaten ears behind. 

Dangers And Concerns Of Coexisting With Raccoons 
Apart from the destruction raccoons can cause to your property, they also pose serious health risks. If you or your pet get bitten, you must seek medical attention immediately. Besides the aforementioned rabies, it is possible to become infected with giardiasis, Leptospirosis, and tularemia. You may also notice their droppings in areas that they frequent. You must be extremely careful when removing their excrement as they are natural hosts to parasitic roundworms. By accidentally ingesting these parasites, you could experience blindness, nerve damage, and brain damage. 

Preventing Raccoon Infestations
While it’s important to keep the area in and around your house clean and tidy to discourage pests, the best way to deal with an infestation is to hire professional pest control operators, like Black Knight Pest Services. We have the knowledge and experience to remove raccoons and handle the related problems without risking the health of you or your pets. We will help you eliminate hiding places such as piles of wood or easy entries to your home or outbuildings that they often frequent. Raccoon proofing your chicken coops and garden by Black Knight Pest Services will also lessen the chance of them doing more damage.
If you have a raccoon problem in your home or business, please contact us right away. We will help you solve your problem and give you tips to discourage them from returning.
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